On last Friday (12/7/13) marks the end of their 3rd year medical years. Hence party of course. We went to Palate Palette at Changkat for late dinner.

His i-dont-remember-the-name food. Wasnt that great.
My lamb and onions. This is really good. Thumbs up!
We waited very very long there for some other people who didnt join us for dinner and so much drama going on until we cant stop taking pictures.
Too bored until we settle for dessert.
Dark chocolate cheesecake.
😱 Its no yummy!!
Finally they decided to move and went to Frangipani to meet up with others before going Butterfactory (that was the initial plan). Somehow table wasnt booked or something, we ended upstaying in Frangipani-a gay club. I guess it will be my first and last experience since the guys were super awkward. LOL
It was Serene's belated birthday and somehow the real birthday boy vanished. We dont even know that person and tadah~~ we cut the cake and ate half of it.
Me and baby left after the clubs and pubs closes as he needs to move house back to KL in the morning. The others went for second round. Everyone will be kind of going back hometownor traveling elsewhere so it shall be a month plus til we meet again.