The tickets are given by Charan's friend and he invited us to join. Its a ticket pass for 3 horror movies (Rigor Mortis, Second Sight and Insidious 2) with free popcorn, water, games and buffet snacks. Its quite a happening event but we didnt know about it. We thought its just tickets for movies thats it. Some people dressed up matching with Halloween theme but mostly just casual (typical Malaysian lah). We went at 6pm but the movie starts at 7.30pm. == But they provided foods and drinks for us while they conduct some games and photo session.
Cute!! |
I am not the person who you want to watch horror movie with. I'm not a fan and i'm super horrified with ghost movies. Most of the time i'll just be like closing my eyes, hugging my bf tightly and shrink into a ball.
Rigor Mortis
: typical Chinese ghost movies where you have long hair girl ghost with red top and they are freakking scary, jumping corpse, good and evil sifu. The story line is quite good with some sense of humor and sadness. The apartment lot is haunted with a twin girl ghost. The owner raped one of them and the other tried to save her by stabbing him but during struggle got stabbed back and died. The rape victim hung herself and since the lot is haunted. The bad sifu created the zombie and the twins got into the corpse. The main character and the corpse kind of fight while the good sifu tried to help. Not sure if thats a good ending but yea, very expected ending.
Second Sight
: We all were so disappointed because when we knew its a Thai ghost movie we had like high expectation. Its about a guy who can see things other people couldnt see. He is a lawyer and he got this case where the girl killed few people on the bridge with reckless driving. He knew its a ghost's doing and tried to help out. In the end its a very confusing relationship between everyone and its not scary at all. zzz
Insidious 2
: not that bad but horrier that the previous two. The boy who can travel into another world when he sleeps was seen by another ghost and since troubling the family. When he grown his son inherited the gift and went coma because he couldnt come back. The guy went to the other world to look for him but another soul came back to his body. Overall it was creepy at first and till the end its not that horrifying.
After that we went to join others at Modestos @ Publika for a drink. Bitched for like 3 hours. Haha.