when baby reached i still not ready yet. i was still dilly dally-ing. haha... thanks for waiting for me o... of course, you had your benefit by playing your game. :P

can see my crying eye?
well, we headed off to 1U. its a long journey. but it'll never been bored when he was driving and i sit beside him. i love you hun!after getting tickets, we went starbucks to chill. i love the time when we sit back and relax. wee~~
we watched Jump. i dont think this movie is popular. overall its quite bored actually. i looked quite interested because i dont want baby to feel even more boring. he was like a dead fish sitting there. the most interesting part of the movie is the part they have this street dance competition. thats the part when we could see the koreans dancing hip hop. woah! its really cool. and thats it. the interesting part only last for about 10 minutes? =.=
after the movie was already 5.30pm. we headed straight to solaris for our dinner. tenji!! this time was my treat. why? personal reason. its a long way to solaris too. cam whore lo...
i love the lamb!! thanks baby for getting the lamb for me. and the beef. its superb! not forgetting the salmon. yum!!! its fresher and tastier than the previous lunch we had here. i guess dinner and supper time only they will serve the nice ones. my saliva is drooling while i'm typing about it. i cant stop thinking about it.
the udon mee with the sauce is really nice. it has strong vinegar taste and something which i cant tell. i just know that it tasted really sour and i really like it. i love vinegar.
our love lil table with the number 169.
we hungers for world class chocolate. it just taste so good that even when i'm freaking full, i cant stop eating it. i hate myself that i cant really take so much food. i grow fatter but i cant eat a big size person can eat. why??!! i want to comsume an amount of what my size can take. i must train myself to eat as much as i can during buffets and control during normal meals.went back and told my mum my results. it took me so long to have to guts to tell her.
to baby: i know i did well and i deserve something BETTER in return instead of something like this. thanks for the advice and thanks for being at my side. like what you said, i did my best to tell everything and all i can do now i continue what i must do.
::its been four years. i still and i hope i'll remember what happened four years ago after many years. i love you honey and i miss you right now. muakzz::
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