we were supposed to have a meeting this morning but ended up only 6 people turning up. basically yoke teck is just teaching the two recruits who are me and another girl. maybe its just a refresh class for me. well, its quite a sad meeting. i have never been to a meeting like this before. its ok. my exam is still far away. i wish its sooner. baby, i guess you know why.
after meeting we went 1U just for a movie and to buy my game. its Billionaire. i'm obsess with it now. thought of not watching movie as time is restricted but we came across TGV and here we go. watching Make It Happen. before that, we went pizza hut for our tea time. the service button they have there is useless. they dont pay attention to it
AT ALL. we had to raise our hand or call the waiter when they happen to pass by us. basically the people working there are all 40++ except the supervisor or something higher rank.
the pizza we ordered was served on the counter waiting for the waiter/waitress to serve us but they took about 15 minutes to realise our pizza is ready to be served. stupid i-look-like-a-fish malay waitress. hate her so much. slower than a snail and looks like an ass of a baboon. she irritates me the most. i thought of enjoying my meal but i had to rush as if i had not taken my meal since last night.
make it happen. maybe some of you have not heard about it, neither do i before i saw this at tgv. its a movie that shows passion in dance. like the movie but the funny part is, when its suppose to be not funny, people around us laugh as if they inhale some laughing gas. when its suppose to be funny like what they said, only the two of us laughed. it never happen in gsc. i guess its really different in tgv. the people sitting beside me piss me off. when its a romantic scene and i was feeling touched, suddenly that bitch laughed. =.= damn it. i got no mood to watch already.
p/s: kind of like the popcorn.
this movie is about this kind of dances. sexy!happy mothers' day to my mum and to all mothers and also soon-to-be mothers. its another big day to be celebrated. fathers' day is coming. i wonder if my dad is still in kl that day. its been a while since we celebrated with him as he was always working, not in domestic. sigh.