Jan 23, 2010

zai kor wedding

congrats! finally its here. we had been waiting for his wedding for like ages. i hardly get to attend weddings so i was quite excited. well, we went to my cousin's house at 8 am and headed to my ah sou's house to pick her up.

while waiting for everything to be ready before leaving.

heng dais.

jie and ting ting.

the man of the day.

in the heng dai's car.

there the heng dais got played by the zhi muis as usual. we of course stood aside to avoid being pulled into the situation.

pretty? my ah sou.

we waited until the ceremony was done at the bride's house and we went back to my cousin's house next. too many serve tea ceremony so i dont feel like uploading the photos here.

next of course our angpao time. =D

photo of the day!

after makan and chilling a while, we headed to my other cousin's wedding. yup. both wedding falls on the same day. its complicated. anyway, another tea ceremony thing.

just to show you the bride and groom. we went off early to escape the boredom and came back during dinner for the buffet. =D smart.

again we left early to look for keen wai since we dont know the way to pui ling's house. we went to her house to talk and talk. before that we went williams to eat. its some sort of a high class mamak. nice.

nice chat!

congratz chai kor and yvonne sis! happy wedding!

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