Jun 30, 2009

transformers again

its kind of a random outing today. its always random for us. suka-suka then we go out and eat. suddenly i complain boring then he brings me out for a movie. thats why i had already forgotten how to plan a day-out properly and successfully. :S

we were watching Bleach and suddenly we changed plan to watch Transformers again. i guess its because i was too bored for the last few days. hmm... we went mv, AGAIN for the same movie. luckily its not sold out like how it used to for the first movie.

i paid sooooo much concentration, more than the previous time because i did not want to miss a single detail. the conversation, the.... everything. finally i understand it, i mean fully understands it. i am a bit slow, mentally and physically, so.... dont blame me for not getting what you people says sometimes. i might look "oooh", "yayaya", "really?", "ok..ok.." but actually i am kinda interpreting somewhere in my mind, digesting the words you have just said before understanding it. you can ask how piss off my baby is sometimes. he eventually gives up everytime by saying "nevermind" or "forget it". sorry babe. you know me.

since we were still full with the pizza we had before our movie, we went straight home without dinner.

::its suppose to be a normal-happy day! how can this affect my end of the day?! damn it.. sorry baby for getting you into it too... miss you now.::

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