after leaving shop around 8pm, i went Private Shop to get a bra. it has a little bit of push up but i saw not an inch of difference. plus its really comfortable compared to the other normal one. my first so-called pushupbra. oh ya.. i saw this silicone bra they are selling. it cost only RM39.90. should i get one? i am in a deep consideration because there is another shop selling RM14.97 (RM15 la..). *grin*
this looks cute.. :P
we went back to his house and started masak masak. we cooked spaghetti(he cooked, not me). i played with bush. he is so naughty, as usual. i noticed something. he is getting slimmer and bigger. my cutie bush is transforming! even his it-looks-like-a-banana is growing. oh no!! sigh....
he kept barking asking for food when he is cooking. silly...
we added the sarawak white pepper with the sause along and it taste really good. baby said its quite spicy; as in not chili spicy kind of spicy, is too-much-pepper spicy spicy. *ignore me. after finishing whole bowl, he is not full enough so he cook another two packs of maggi mee, for the two of us. damn.... very very full!!!! other than eat, nothing is so satisfying.

baby went to my house and join my bro who is watching a movie. around 12.30am he left. i miss him.
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