Feb 10, 2009

to soo yinn

happy birthday!!! 20 years old! hehe...

yes! i stole your photo! XD

yinn came and look for me after her interview. i asked her to come actually when i messaged her at 12am. around 12 pm she told me her interview finish and is coming. so i quickly ask weng kit whether want to join since he is working just across the street but he cant. too bad. the two of us went mcd and chatted for around 1 hour i guess. (FYI, i am working). then we walked around and stopped at the nail point saloon. we looked at those patterns for so long. though that shop is just three shops beside my shop but just stayed there and talked about it for so long. haha...
then we went back to shop and we talked again. around 5 something we went shopping together. at first she said she wants to go to weng kit's shop for dinner but later its raining heavily again. too bad. weng kit owes her a meal. XD we took some pictures then she left. sounds like she came here for me instead the other way round right?

she took passport picture for her pre-job.

i am not on purpose ok. you do not look big nor i look small.


my colleague ask us to pose. haha..

kind of like this picture.

happy or not? at least you spent most of your birthday time with me. haha.... happy birthday once again.


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  2. thanks...

    its true that more and more people are getting interested in nail arts..

    anyway, thanks for your infos... i will check it out...
