yes man! the guy sitting beside tuck, i think he is a Iran-ese kind of guy, he overreacted by the advertisements and of course the movie as well. and not only us who were looking at him. i think he is much more hilarious than the movie. the guy beside me, i guess he is a pervert. he kept turning his head towards my side. tell me he is looking at the Iran guy/ my bubu (jk!).

this part is funny. i cant tell. watch the movie.
the original song is sang by third eye blind; jumper.
after the movie we walked to pav and i looked for jobs. my leg hurts and we had to go home but we went JJ to get my sister's present first. she deserves it.
::baby, i think i am having fever now. even my eyes are burning. maybe i used too much energy walking on that shoes. muakzz.. i am wearing slippers and sport shoes next time. *wink*::
::baby, i think i am having fever now. even my eyes are burning. maybe i used too much energy walking on that shoes. muakzz.. i am wearing slippers and sport shoes next time. *wink*::