Dec 9, 2008


yes. i watched it today. i wanted to watch 10 promises to my dog but only pav is showing so i just go for twi. previously i was told it is a blood-sucking-vampire movie. i was like, okay, i guess i will not watch it. why should i pay 10 bucks, sit there, and start freaking out for nearly 2 hours? maybe people will think it is fun but i might get a heart attack, die inside and decomposed by decomposers (haha.. bio in me).
the first image that comes to my mind about twilight is....

maybe it is not that scary, maybe it is some comedy vampires?

it cannot be. so i asked and found out the truth. silly me. honestly, if i did not get to know this movie from my friends i might not watch. it is not eye catching enough i guess.

like the new 'vegetarian". he tried so hard to stop himself.

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