well, i should say this is the best day of all during CNY. because all my father side relatives are coming. every year this day my house will be pack with kids. year by year there are more and more kids.
let me introduce my cousin sister's child.
Zi Ting. she is super super CUTE!! her eyes are big, lips are sexy, walk even though two months left only become 1 year old, repeats what people said, learn really quickly, and she is really cunning. haha..... love her!
pretending she's listening to the phone.
how adorable.
pout! while frowning. =.=
love her smile. pretty....!
her mummy happy she also happy. XD
my favourite picture.cute!!! she is like a celebrity in my room. me and my sis kept taking her pictures.my other cousin's daughter. she looks like penny eh? XD
another cute one. but she cries all the time, unlike ting ting.
after that i went baby's house to get him. my sis and penny want to play with bush, bringing bambi along. bush urinated in my car seat! :...( sad. we headed home. u went over 100km/h in a zig-zag way. haha.... fun. my baby was really nervous, i can see that. with all my relatives there, of course he will shake. :p
at night after dinner at home, all of us went genting. my cousin bro drove my car. heartache. he even used L when going up the hill. my engine!!! hmm...
quickly we went for bowling at first world hotel. we thought of playing two games per person but they said cannot as not enough time. hello... now is only about 11pm and your business hour is until 1am. that MALAY woman told us about 12am they start to clean the place, get the reports done and EXACTLY 1AM they leave. i was like, WTH???? my bro said they should write there working hour instead of business hour.
we took two lanes and four people in a team. me, baby, bro and yvonne sis (cousin's gf) in a team. we started really badly but still won. thanks to baby. then we thought of playing pool but they dont accept already so we headed to Mcd. after eating we went back to highland hotel to meet with mum and gang. around 2am we went back. reach home around 3.45am.
::i was actually snoring in the car while sleeping on tuck's lap. how nice and tired i am::